Minorities and Discrimination
Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts haben die Schüler*innen der Klasse 10C sich mit Minderheiten und deren Diskriminierung beschäftigt. Dafür haben sie sich über unterschiedliche Minderheiten in den USA erkundigt, Hintergrundinformationen recherchiert und sich mit noch bestehenden Missständen auseinandergesetzt. Dabei soll es aber nicht bleiben!
Wir wollen mehr als uns nur über Missstände bewusst werden, wir wollen darüber informieren und uns für einen Wandel einsetzen. Daraus ist das Projekt „Teenage activism“ entstanden, denn aus dieser Lerneinheit sind echte Aktivist*innen hervorgegangen, welche das Ziel verfolgen, ihre Erkenntnisse an Euch weiterzutragen.
Mit diesem Ziel im Blick haben alle Schüler*innen der Klasse einen Blog Post zu einer selbstgewählten diskriminierten Personengruppe verfasst, um über Missstände aufzuklären und sich aktiv für diskriminierte und benachteiligte Personen einzusetzen. Ausgewählte besonders herausragende Ergebnisse werden hier mit Euch geteilt.
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[fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”100%” fit=”false”][fruitful_tab title=”African Americans”]My name is Malkia. I am 15 years old and I’m what some call a “half-caste”, a child of a mixed-colored couple. In this blog post I am going tell you some facts about being a part of the African American minority, being black and why it’s important to stand up for them. At the beginning I want to mention that I’m not against other skin colors or any types of people who feel offended by this blog post. I’m just going to write about the experiences of black people I know.
Being black in the everyday life is not easy. A lot of people will not understand why, so I will try to explain to you how it feels, by stating an example. Imagine you are born with a sentence “I don’t like dogs“, standing on your forehand. You are going to grow up with it and every time when you meet a new person it will be the first thing they notice on you. You always have to explain yourself. Everybody who likes dogs will reduce you, because of that sentence. Even if you want to change or if you just say “Oh I really like dogs” no one will believe or trust you. It’s going to be hard for you to find friends or persons that will accept you the way you are. Maybe the persons you call “friends” are sharing the same opinion as you or the same fate.
That’s the feeling of being black most of the times. You’re reduced because of your skin-color. It’s hard to find a job, meet new people and get a flat, because of all the disadvantages of being black. Let me tell you something, not all stereotypes are true and you have the mission to correct people and tell them the truth.
Especially in America but also in Germany, every time you go out as a black person you will be reminded that you are a black person. It starts with the question “Where are you from?” When you answer the city you were born in, they will look at you strangely and go on to ask: “Where are you really from?” This sentence hurts so much. It means something like you cannot be from the city, because of your skin color and your appearance. It tells you that you do not fit in. That you do not have the right to call that specific country your origin. We have to stand up for these people, because they deserve better!
Then we have the culture: the hair, the food, the dancing, the clothes, the behavior and so much more. Some people feel offended by that, although it has nothing to do with them. They complain so much about you. Whether it is in the restaurant or while you walk pass them. Discriminating and racist people scan you critically from head to toe.
In contrast to these people, there are people who really enjoy our culture or are interested in it. That’s wonderful. But let me explain to you why even if you are interested you can be disrespectful. If the African woman or girl wears her hair naturally, please don’t ask her “Can I touch your hair?” We can understand the reason that you are interested, but at the same time you make us feel so uncomfortable by doing that. Somehow it feels like we are animals in the zoo and everybody wants to touch us. Do not make yourself box braids or other significant African hairstyles, without knowing the history behind it. These hairstyles were worn by the slaves at the time of the colonialization, when black people used to pick up cotton and be hit by white privileged people. It’s a difference if black people wear it, because it’s a part of their culture. The same goes for the N word. Don’t say it. A rapper sad: The power in the word N**** is a different sin. We shouldn’t say it, but we do and that’s just what it is. But that don’t mean that you can say it just because you’ve got N**** friends.
N****! That word was originated from you to keep us inferior. When we (people of color) use it that’s just how we greet each other. But when you use it, we know there is a double meaning behind that.
Being black is also dangerous. I hope everybody knows about George Floyd and that he’s not the only black person who got shot by the police. A regular driver’s license control can turn into a crime scene in seconds that is the brutal reality in the U.S.
However, not everything is bad. We had Obama as the first black president of the U.S. and the current vice president is a black woman for the first time. Time changes and I want you to be a part of it. You have to stand up for black people, because they still do not have equal rights. After Rosa Park, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and so much more I want you to fight for independence and tolerance. I want you to fight for equal rights. Indeed, there are a lot of Trump supporters and black Americans get killed by police officers on a daily basis. Now is the time to change that. You have a voice and I ask you to use it, because you can change the world and help a minority like African Americans to be more accepted in society. You can help them solving their problems by taking an active action – be part of the change.
Malkia (10C)
[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”Native Americans in the U.S.”]Hello together my name is Ben. Since I was a little boy I watched and loved the “Winnetou” films. Besides my fascination for the world which was presented there, I was always confused. Why did the „white people” kill so many Native Americans? Why did they call them Injun? When I got older I began to know that the Native Americans got restrained by the Europeans since they colonized America. Another point that brought me in contact with that discrimination were my holidays in Canada in 2018. I saw lots of Native Americans working on plantations and I saw their poor village. This made me angry and sad. How can it be that nothing changes in more than 300 years?
Today I want try to be the one who changes a little bit. Discrimination of Native Americans started with the discovery of America in 1492. A lot of settlers went to America to claim land and to build themselves a new life. But they didn’t notice that this land wasn’t theirs. It was the land of the Native Americans. In the following years, the settlers took a lot of more land, more than they needed. Naturally, the Native Americans tried to stop that, but the white settlers didn’t want to find a compromise. Over centuries, they killed the Native Americans in unfair (the Native Americans did not have firearms) fights and destroyed their habitat by killing buffalos and grubbing forests. As a consequence, the Native Americans had to live in classifieds with fewer rights as the European settlers.
Today, Native Americans aren’t killed by the government anymore, but they still have to obey a lot of rules.
Lots of sport teams are still named with derogatory designations of Native Americans. An example for that is the ice hockey club “Indians” in Hanover. Besides the insult „Indians” their logo shows a red skinned Native American. Furthermore, it’s very difficult for Native Americans to find a job, because they are largely isolated in their reservations. Many of them are also drug addicted, because they were never able to handle their new imposed lifestyle. Lots of white Americans just see the Native Americans when they stop at their reserves to buy accessories.
It’s our responsibility to change that! Ours and especially those of the U.S. citizens. More than every other nation the Native Americans love freedom. They should be more integrated in normal life. A good option would be to offer them fair jobs. In the reservations there should be social workers who can help them to manage their drug addiction. With this actions it would be possible to integrate them in the „normal U.S. life”. On the contrary, the USA could give them much more land and not just tiny reservations. Then Native Americans could continue their old lifestyle. However, we should entrust the Native Americans themselves with the decision. We have made enough decisions about and for them. Now it’s their turn to decide and get back their freedom.
We aren’t able to affect the US-government that much that they give the Native Americans the option to decide, but we can try to mobilize ourselves. Together we can change something comparable to what the BLM movement reached. That’s why I please YOU to get active. Try to convince other people to protest with you, tell them about the felonies at the Native Americans and raise awareness. YOU can make a change! Also try to be more politically correct in your everyday life. Don’t call Native Americans “Indians”, the best would be if you mention their individual tribe name. Fight against clichés like the “red man”. Let’s help the Native Americans to get back their freedom. Make a change!
Ben (10C)
[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”Feminism”]You may ask yourself what is that? As you may have guessed from the “Femini” in the word it’s about women, specifically about their rights. Because of the “Femini” many people think that it means women want to be superior instead of men. That is wrong. Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. We are living in the 21st century right now and still this equality is not there.
CNET reports that there are still more men than women in workplace from entry up to the C-Level. However, according to NBC News, an Australian study shows that girls do better in school than boys. They get better grades and are more ambitious, even in the STEM subjects.
So that leads us to another question: Why are girls and women still underrepresented in jobs? In an article of the New York Times they try to explain this controversial phenomenon. They say it’s because girls don’t have enough confidence, sometimes even though their work is perfect.
And why is that? It’s because they are taught so. The society tells little girls that they are not as strong as men, not as intelligent as men, not as funny, not as serious, not as good as men.
A perfect example for that takes place in school. When a teacher wants to hand out books or carry some tables around it’s always “I need some strong boys to carry those!” I always thought that was unfair, because I thought I could carry those books, too. So I always tried to take more books than the boys just to prove that I was strong, too. I also do Karate and in the martial arts there are often more boys than girls, because it’s said that they’re stronger and again I tried to train harder than everyone and I still do, just to prove that I am not weak just because I am a woman.
And I am sick of it, I am sick of always having to prove myself, to own respect whereas boys just get it, because they are boys.
So I want everyone to fight for that. I want everyone to fight for an equal life between men and women, for equal rights and opportunities and respect for every human being.
Mathilda (10C)
[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”Justice for the African American minority”]What is the African American minority?
The African American minority is the second largest minority in the U.S. after the Latinos. It makes up 13% (~40 million) of the U.S. population. African Americans are people who have ethnic origins in Africa. Because of history there is controversy on which term should be used interchangeably with African American for political correctness and to not discriminate. Instead of „African American“, according to Keith Mayes (Prof. of African American studies at the University of Minnesota), the terms „black people“, „People of Color“(POC), „BIPOC“(Black, Indigenous, People of Color) can be used.
From the 17th until the 19th century, colonial powers operated colonialism and imperialism in Africa. The continent was economically and culturally exploited. Indigenous people got killed, families were separated, enemies had to live together, there were new rules and they had to learn new languages. The colonial powers treated the people like dirt, like animals, not like human beings. Due to slavery and human trafficking, they had been owned by rich colonial masters and other interested, white ones. This is why some last names of BIPOC are from slave masters.
The owned slaves were brought to America where they still suffered. The African Americans had no rights in America. Exclusion, execution, and torture were commonplace.
After 1865, slavery was stopped and since then African Americans were seen as American and human beings, but still they had not the same rights as white people. They had to live a life filled with racism and racial segregation.
Till 1964, African Americans were still treated like people of second class. With the Civil Rights Act, the official racial segregation was abandoned. Rosa Parks (bus), Martin Luther King Jr. (I have a dream speech) and Malcolm X (change of last name, resistance) helped leading to this, but racism is not just a thing that fades with a law: it is something that exists in people’s minds. The stereotypes are still in the heads of many (white) people.
Injustices till today
Almost 2 centuries have passed since colonialism, but African Americans are still discriminated. On the one hand, it is racial discrimination, e.g. white people live in „gated communities“, far away from other racial minorities. On the other hand, it is a discrimination concerning equal opportunities. The cities which are left by the white population often turn into ghettos. In those ghettos there is no equal opportunity. There is disparity in education and no chance for good jobs and no chance for financial advancement.
40% of the African Americans are poor and live in poverty. This poverty leads many young and hopeless people to a life with drugs and a life with crime. Mostly men get are affected and often find themselves in prison at the end of the day.
An African American is more likely to go to jail than a white man and 20% of them are longer in prison for the same crime (same crime, more time) and get harder penalties compared to white counterparts.
Even the police has a problem with racism. Police violence and racial profiling against blacks is nothing new. Black human beings are more likely to get shot by police than white human beings and have to fear the police because of homicide.
Discrimination in daily life is not just related to education and police violence. African Americans are not represented well enough in politics. Obama was the first black president in the history of America.
70% of African American children have no or low ability to swim, 12% have taught themselves. (This also goes back to historic factors).
Now, in times of the Corona pandemic, people of color are hit very hard. Not to mention the fact that whites are better paid and have better access to health care than blacks, it has to be said that black people are more likely to become infected with the Coronavirus. Their risk is higher, because most of them live in small apartments with many other family members in narrow spaces. They have to go to work and earn their livelihood. If they do not, in order to their loved ones from Corona, they but cannot afford daily needed nutrition.
All these injustices lower the life expectancy of the African American minority and increases the skepticism about the system.
BLM Movement since 2013
In 2013, Black Lives Matter was founded by black activists in the U.S., after a teen and another black got killed by the police. Today it is an international movement. On the 25th of May in 2020, George Floyd was killed by an American police officer. Videos of his death that made a big splash on the internet, shocked and drew more attention to the movement. This movement fights against racial profiling, police violence, discrimination and racism against people of color.
The first way to improve is insight
I want our generation to start putting aside stereotypes and prejudices and being silent about wrongdoings. We have to break the walls, we have to watch out for discriminated ones. Not just in America but all over the world. We have to educate ourselves and we have to learn to be empathetic. We have to learn to speak up for oneself and for others. We have to talk to each other about the good and about the bad things. If you do not know how to speak up then just imagine yourself in the same position as the discriminated ones. Do not be egoistic. Do not look away. Insight is the first way to improve the world outside.
We are all human beings no matter what religion, language or skin color.
„We breathe the same and we bleed the same“(H.E.R. – I Can‘t Breathe)
By Dilan (10C)
[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”How to improve the LGBTQ+ acceptance”]You have probably seen a rainbow flag multiple times now. Some of you may know what it stands for and how important it is, some of you may not. It represents the LGBTQ+ community. But what does LGBTQ+ stand for? LGBTQ+ is an acronym commonly used to describe people with different sexualities and genders than the heterosexual standard (female and male). The letters mean the following:
L – lesbian
G – gay
B – bisexual
T – transgender
Q – queer
+ – all the other sexualities and genders that are non-heterosexual
The acronym may differ from LGBT to LGBTQ+ or LGBTQIA.
Nowadays the LGBTQ+ community is getting accepted more and more into society, but there are still some problems when facing the community‘s acceptance. For example, many countries won’t allow same-sex marriage or don’t want the people to talk about it. Russia is an example that doesn’t allow it, but many people protest for the community’s rights. But there are 11 countries that even sentence people to death for being LGB+.
Those are:
Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia, Nigeria, Somalia, Mauritania, Jemen, UAE (United Arabic Emirates),
Brunei, Afghanistan, Iran and Qatar.
This is wrong and needs to stop.
Discrimination against the community is also happening in the U.S. Many people from the community still face problems in their workplace or even at school which causes them to drift into a bad territory. This can cause health issues, mentally or physically.
A study was conducted where many young people from the LGBTQ+ community were questioned about bullying in school related to their sexuality. The study shows how many were at least verbally harassed once (70.1%). Multiple people were also physically harassed, for example pushed (28.9%). A few people have already experienced physical assault once, like being punched (12.4%). Quite shocking is the amount of people being harassed electronically which is almost half of the people questioned (48.7%). This shows that LGBTQ+ is not as much accepted as it should be. Many experience problems which can cause issues, as stated above. The problem isn’t only about the students though. Many teachers also can’t handle LGBTQ+ people properly. As students state, 31.3% were disciplined for public display of their sexuality, 42.1% had been hindered to use their preferred names/pronouns and 46.5% had to use the bathroom for their legal sex. This clearly shows that the LGBTQ+ community needs to be accepted more in schools. Another problem is discrimination at a workplace. Even though many companies want people of the community to work for them, they‘re still being harassed by coworkers or treated wrongfully. If a company needs more workers, they‘d probably choose heterosexual persons over people from the LGBTQ+ community. This inequality has to stop and there are many ways to do so.
First, let‘s start at the schools, because this is where people normally start to develop a different look on themselves. Something that is already done in other countries is having lessons about LGBTQ+ with young people from their community. They try showing how you should accept who you are, who you want to be and accepting others for who they are.
Introducing new laws for equality would help for sure, as well as anti-discrimination campaigns. You should also support general gender equality, as it often includes rights for LGBTQ+ as well. If you are a part of the LGBTQ+, you shouldn‘t be ashamed of it. Accepting what and who you are is the first step into a better life. If you are not a part of it, try helping to integrate it into the society. It might be a long way, but it’s surely important. All people should experience a good life. Whether or not they are heterosexual, lesbian, transsexual or identifying as of any other gender.
By Steven (10C)
[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”LGBTQIA+ in the U.S.”]In today’s blog I want to educate you on the LGBTQ community and the discrimination it faces on the daily basis.
First of all, what exactly is the LGBTQIA+?
It is a globally acknowledged community in which people either have a different sexuality than heterosexual or don’t necessarily identify as the gender they were born as.
The community is referred to as “LGBTQ” most of the times, but the full name is LGBTQIA+.
The “L” is for lesbian.
The “G” is for gay.
The “B” is for bisexual.
The “T” is for transgender.
The “Q” is for queer.
The “I” is for intersex.
The “A” is for asexual.
And the + shows that there is a possibility to add sexualities.
So how is the community or specifically how are their rights in danger in the United States?
Although there is no direct law the U.S. that discriminates against the LGBTQIA+, there are 27 states in which there is no full protection for any discrimination against the community in employment, housing and public accommodations.
For example, a person would be allowed to reject you from a job, when buying a house or eating in a restaurant, based on your sexual orientation or gender identity.
But these are not the only problems. Due to structural discrimination throughout decades, outgoing from the government with laws such as no marriage between gay (or any non-heterosexual) couples, there are still people harassing LGBTQIA+ individuals or committing hate crimes against them.
To me it is absolutely disgusting how one can hate and discriminate people based on something that is natural and that cannot be controlled.
So I sat down and asked myself, how can I help and how can you help. Just as me, you could educate yourself on the topic and educate others with your knowledge. But what I think is even more important is accepting and showing support. Imagine one day you come out to your friend as transgender. What kind of reaction would you like to receive?
You wouldn’t want your friend to be disgusted by the simple fact that you do not identify as the same gender as before, would you?
So be the person you would like to face if you were in that situation.
Yann (10C)
[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”Persons with disabilities”]My key situation with a disabled person has haunted me for years and the anger about it has grown ever since. I was 11 years old taking the bus downtown, when suddenly a girl about my age tried to enter the bus at Lister Platz. Unfortunately, the bus hadn’t stopped close enough to the walk way, leaving a gap between the lowered bus door and the curb so that the girl in the wheelchair wasn’t able to enter. Instead of getting out of the bus and trying to help her, the bus driver closed the door and left the girl behind.
This of course, is only one part of the disadvantages disabled persons might be confronted with in their everyday life.
I want to start with another one:
Disabled persons often suffocate from disproportionate risk for unemployment, leading to a higher chance of living in poverty according to the International Labor Organization (ILO).
According to the ILO, non-disabled co-workers might discriminate disabled workers, because of their fear of the unknown. This often leads to a bad working atmosphere caused by discrimination and many disabled workers quit their job. After that they might have to work in in poorer working conditions in workshops for the disabled, earning less money. That’s the reason why I think there should be more resolutions about persons with disabilities to show that they are normal human beings just like you and me. This is mainly my personal motivation to be active for their behalf. If no one stands up for their rights, the world will remain an unfair place.
Since accessibility can also lead to challenges for employers, because they have to modify the workplace at their own cost, they shouldn’t have to pay for the modification themselves. These costs should be supported by the state.
The same applies for individuals who need accommodations. Business owners often wait in making hiring decisions due to the reasonableness of the accommodation required by the disabled workers before they can start to work, even though disabled workers can perform at the same level as nondisabled peers if given appropriate accommodations. These sad facts were published by the University College London. Experts of the Academic Network of European Disability say that although a lot of individuals have the mental capability to acquire higher education, physical disabilities often hinder them. Not having acquired the necessary schooling, again affects their opportunities to find a job, because many workplaces won’t hire them. Therefore, they need to improve the schooling system to make it easier for students with disabilities to get a university degree. Especially for individuals with physical disabilities, accessibility can be a major challenge. Although it might seem like legislation has made most buildings accessible to persons with physical handicap, this for example doesn’t apply for my school as there are neither automatic doors nor elevators. Therefore it wouldn’t be possible to reach the chemistry or arts class room as they are upstairs.
As you can see, the infrastructure is not nearly as well-developed yet as it should be to ensure that persons with disabilities do not suffer from disadvantages caused by infrastructure. As a social society like ours it should be our main focus to extend the pro-disabled infrastructure in order to minimize the exclusion of the disabled from being part of our lives, making our lives more colorful.
Liam (10C)
[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”Systemic racism towards black people in the U.S.”]Today, I will talk about systemic racism towards black people. First of all, I want to note that just because you are not affected by it or have not had any experiences with it, it does not mean that it does not exist nor that others are not affected by it, because they most definitely are.
To understand where systemic racism comes from we will have to take a trip back into the 17th century:
In the early 17th century mainly white slave owners held primarily Africans and African Americans as slaves. Black people had to work under inhumane conditions and had to suffer a lot.
After slavery was officially ended in 1865, segregation became a big problem for black people.
They were separated from white people and although slavery was ended, people of color (PoC) were seen as inferior. Cities were divided into districts for white people and districts for black people and other minorities, which is called ‘redlining’.
But how does yesterday’s history affect us today?
The districts I just talked about are officially abolished but unofficially, cities like Chicago are still divided into such districts. In areas where there is a high population of blacks, schools are often worse concerning quality, staff, amount of students per class or location compared to schools in ‘white districts’. This usually leads to a bad education and is an open door for crime. But even if a black teenager from a ‘black district’ manages to get a good education, and even gets accepted into a prestigious university and graduates (which, unfortunately does not happen too often), he or she still has worse chances of getting a well- paid job or a loan for a house in a ‘white district’.
So what happens next?
Black people have to move into sordid areas and the cycle begins again. Apart from that, people of color are often confronted with insults based on obsolete stereotypes that still live in people’s minds today. Furthermore, they constantly are left out of the social life.
But what can YOU change about that?
First of all, it is important to educate yourself on this issue. I just tried to do that, but there is still so much more to learn about black history. This month is actually black history month in Canada and the U.S. so there usually is a huge amount of information you can learn about black history. In Europe, black history month is in October.
Some of my favorite Instagram accounts to educate myself on this topic are @impact @chnge @ckyourprivilege and @genzfor.change. These accounts explain racism towards black people and other PoC as well as discrimination towards the LBGTQIA+, Muslims and other minorities. Just as important, it is to get rid of your racial stereotypes. This might seem obvious but you’d be surprised to find out how racist we actually are. Start seeing each black person as an individual not as a social or political race. Next, we have to acknowledge racism and silence racists. For example, the U.S. government silenced blacks over decades and centuries.
By the way: No, some of that dark humor is not funny, it is just racist!
To actually end racism we need a whole different social system but the advice I gave you above (educate yourself and reflect upon your own stereotypes and behavior) is a good way to start.
Kiara (10C)
[/fruitful_tab][fruitful_tab title=”‘Behind every great man is a great woman’ – why not the other way around as well?”]Young people must have the opportunity to lead change within their own communities. We seek ways to enable vulnerable children to understand and defend their rights. Across the world, girls suffer injustices every day simply because they are young and female. You should encourage boys and young men to respect girls and women and treat them equally. But still women are treated as a minority of lesser value.
First of all, what is a minority? Minority groups describe racially, ethnically, or culturally distinct groups that are not in a larger majority group.
Women are treated as a Mmnority: Women are considered a minority group, because they do not share the same power, privileges, rights, and opportunities as men. Although women have made great strides in gaining access to education and employment, to this day they continue to face significant hurdles that men generally aren’t confronted with. Also, women may make up 50.8% of the U.S. population, but still are underrepresented in the workplace. Women still haven’t reached parity in the corporate workplace. Women of colour are an even more underrepresented group.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, advocates “the equal rights of men and women” and addresses issues of equality. But still it’s a huge problem to our current society.
In some places these rights are supported by law, local custom, and behaviour, whereas in others, they may be ignored or suppressed. Entitlements and freedoms claimed by women and girls of all ages are unequal compared to those of men in many societies. Women are not a statistical minority as in most societies they are roughly equal in number to men, however, they do qualify as a minority group because they tend to have less power and fewer privileges than men.
Issues commonly associated with notions of women’s rights include, although not limited to, the rights to: bodily integrity, vote, hold public office, work, fair and equal payment, own property, be educated, serve in the military, enter into legal contracts and to have marital, parental, and religious freedom of choice.
Discrimination against women is evident in a number of different spheres of many societies, whether political, legal, economic, or familial. Societies today are home to a variety of different classes, ethnicities, races and nationalities. That is one reason behind the discrimination. As a part of the society we need to change it. We need to stop discrimination and have to treat every human being equal.
One of the greatest steps to the equality between women and men was that an Indian American woman became the first female Vice President of the United States.
This shows that there can be change.
You may ask why I am writing about this topic. I want to share information about the problem that women are seen as a minority and want all of us, the future generation, to support women and other minorities to become active as teenage activist.
An activist is a person who campaigns for some kind of (social) change. It means that you are a person who uses or encourages strong actions in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issues. Youth activism is the participation in a community of organising social change by persons between the ages of 15–24. The young activists have taken leading roles in public protests and advocacy around many issues.
Young people are raising their voices and demonstrating to everyone that there’s no age limit to social change. Teenage activism is important, because it really shows that everyone has a voice. Teenagers are the future leaders of the world. Without us there can’t be any change.
We need a change and have to treat every single human being as what it is – a human being.
Blog entry by Keshika (10C)